Have you ever driven anyway and noticed one of those electronic highway signs that flash news and traffic updates? Have you ever seen one of those signs flash “Silver Alert” and wonder ‘What in the world does that mean’? That was my reaction this morning when driving into work. I was driving to Murphy Ford and on I-295 South I noticed that message. I will admit before I Googled the phrase, I had no idea what it meant. Now I am happy to report what I have learned.
A Silver Alert is a public notification program in which law enforcement officials issue and broadcast public notices when an adult (usually seniors) with cognitive disorders, such as Alzheimer’s, goes missing. The alerts are announced using several different mediums including television, radio, and electronic highway signs. Although this is a highly adopted system, this is not a national program like an Amber Alert. An Amber Alert is a similar alert system that is enacted when a child 17 years of age or younger is believed to have been abducted.
Currently, 29 states have Silver Alert or similar programs in place (one of them being NJ). Although Pennsylvania does not have an official Silver Alert program in place, earlier this year the Missing Endangered Person Advisory System (MEPAS) was created. Unlike the Silver Alert, this system does not just limit alerts to older adults. Warnings will also be issued if young children wander away from their guardian(s). The Pennsylvania State Police are responsible for developing and operating this program.
So now if you’re driving and you see these messages, hopefully you will remember what they mean and act on them. Do you think that the Silver Alert or the MEPAS are effective systems?
Check out this article from 6 ABC Action News about how Silver Alert helped locate a missing 75-year old woman.
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